Wednesday 15 July 2015

Tuffalo Tales Tier Tournament

So recently I attended a Blood, Sweat and Tiers tournament run by our very own Pressganger Dave Downs. A great local event full of familiar faces, I took a pretty standard Tier 4 Borka1 family reunion list which I am well experienced with and a Tier 2 Borka2 Avalanche list, which I had only had a few games with. Seeing as there was no divide and conquer (or character restrictions which everyone seemed to miss) I was going to stick with Borka 2 unless things went really bad. My list included Fire eaters, max Longriders and Horthol. Stone Scribes, Pyre,Bouncer, Earthborn and Rok.

Game 1.
Played Harvey from this very blog and his Butcher 3 list. I suffered my usual tournament first game mental block, in which I forget all the strategies needed for my list to work and hope my opponent is also half asleep, sadly Harvey wasn't. I was on the back foot most game, I had a turn when Rok was with in charge distance of Butcher 3 but I couldn't clear the models in front of him. There was a strange moment when a war dog charged, got counter charged by Rok, who failed to reach melee due to a Berserker 'Jack being in the way, but before Rok could complete his assault move got counter-charged by the wardog who then returned to Butcher3, thus avoiding the spray assault! Lost this on scenario.
How did the Tuffalo do? They mostly made poor road blocks as Ruin with silence of death one shotted them with ease.

Game 2.
Played another friend and his Grissel1 dude swarm. There were 2 max units of Kreil warriors with all the trimmings, Scattergunners,Fire eaters, some support and a couple of lights. I ran my army, he ran his, I was engaged. The speed of the tier list was something but it seemed to lack hitting power and the massed attacks of Kreil warriors couldn't take out Rok or the Earthborn. My two heavies completely heal them selves on stationary Kreil troll Popsicle's. Game turned into a grind in which my opponent's death clock run out.
How did the Tuffalo do? They made much better road blocks this time, the high armour was to much for Kreil warriors to deal with and once free of Kreil spam they could go off and deal with the real threat, the Fire eaters.

Game 3.
Played a PVayl beast list with Hex Hunters. Borka's feat allowed me to get right down the throat of Vay'ls beasts and kill box prevented her from running to far. Borka himself took care of Vayl after Horthol bull rushed her. This was quick and brutal.
How did the Tuffalo do? Great, they rushed ahead of Borka's battle group and cleared out the two units of Hex Hunters, dealing with there high def. Once past the Hex Hunters they tied up the large Legion battle group during Borka's feat.

Game 4.
Played my Nemesis Paul (from this very blog). PZerkova's hunting wolves NQ tier. I have played this list a few times, whilst Paul is very competent with this I never struggled against. No different this time and with once central objective zone my Borka list rushed the Khadorians and proceeded to bully it. Only the Devastor constantly clamming up and running back into the zone prevented a scenario win. The Kayazy decided to avoid fighting anything threatening and attacked the Scribe unit, which felt very characterful. Left with only a handful of models, Zerkova run up to Borka, casted multiple razorwinds and shot him to strip him of focus an then charged the remaining two Greylord Outriders to kill Borka. The slim chance of victory through a hail mary shot is one of the things I like about Warmachine, but it still stings to be on the receiving end of it.
How did the Tuffalo do? Great again, they managed to slam Greylords into Kayazy Eliminators, removing that threat from the table, before going through the rest of the Kayazy into a Vanguard light jack before swinging back into the control zone.

So a 2-2 result and the Tuffalo performed well. I feel like they can dominate certain games but they need to keep mobile to be fully effective, impact hits and slams is where it is at. Borka's feat help them if they get tied up, so I will be trying them with other casters (Jarl next) but already I feel they have earned their reputation as great cavalry models, are they best? As with anything it's debatable, I have seen Skorne Ferox used to devastating effect, I have seen wolf riders demolish entire army flanks, I have suffered under the shots of Tempest Blazers but Tuffalo are easily up there.


  1. This looks really interesting! Did you have any restrictions in place like no wold war/body and soul/ runes of war?

  2. No restrictions no, we had a few runes and EE players, no wold war and oddly not a single cryx player!

  3. Fair enough, that is a surprise! I suppose the only Cryx tier that's really well played is BaS or Morty anyway :p
    Did you feel the EE/tunes players to be over powered or was it still fairly balanced?

    1. EE and Runes are fine if you have the tools to dealing with them, I played EE with vayl1 last game and was able to drop 2/3 lights a turn with my incited heavies so got thru them!

  4. Fair enough, just a wondering before I pass the idea to my PG :) it's a really good format!

    1. I like the format, same with our non tier event in a few months, it puts everyone on an even keel for it
