Below is the table, the two flat pieces with no graphic on are hills, the green pieces with tree art on are forest, the blue piece is shallow water and the small brown walls are linear obstacles.

Vlad got to go first, he was rocking his tier list into tier 2 I think. He had 2 units of shieldwall fellas, 1 unit of Hammers, 1 unit of bombardiers and a conquest. As well as a Man of war solo on his right flank. I was rocking Xerxis2, Molik, BB Titan, Gladiator, Archidon, Max nilators, Min incindarii, Max beast handlers ans a will breaker. For this game I chose my Gladiator to be my bonded warbeast this game. Our objectives we had taken were Arcane Wonder for the Khador, Bunker for my Skorne.
Here is the deployment, Vlad went for a central conquest with a unit of shield wall fellas each side, bombardiers got given AD from the tier and the hammers went behind the left unit of shields.
Starting from my left I have my Gladiator, Incindarii next, BB, Xerxis2, then Molik, max Nilators, and Archidon looking to use that forest. My Willbreaker and max beast handlers sat behind it all.

First turn for Khador saw running across the board, Assail on the conquest and Transference placed on Vlad.

So turn 1 for me, and here is where I've made my first mistake. It's my first time using Xerxis2 and man is moving a battle engine size base a pain. I went Xerxis2 first, I placed Ignite on my Nilators and Mobility on my self and walked up. The rest of the turn saw running of everything, but sadly I activated my gladiator and he was out of my small control area and not within 8" of my will breaker so he only advanced his 4" and then riled.

Khador Turn 2, both spells were upkept. The conquest took a shot into the BB hoping for a crit but sadly no crit. The other small guns killed a Incindarii and a Nilator. The bombardiers advanced and forced a transfer from Xerxis2, and cleared out a good chunk of Nilators. Vlad2 held his feat and the Man o War on the right flank ran to threaten my objective,

So my Turn 2. It went well, but again I could of played it better. What I should of done was gone with Molik prior to the beast handlers, killed the Man o War in the way, fate walkered and then conditioned him, or even if not conditioned him have him retreat to a safe distance behind the wall as the Man o War lack pathfinder, but I didn't. Anyway what I did do is... Xerxis2 called his feat, did a ribe by and advanced 3.5". He then threw his free rush onto the BB Titan, Ignited him and mobility on him self (I didn't upkeep ignite on the Nilators so I was camping 1). My beast handlers then enraged both Molik and my BB. Molik under the feat cleaned up the three Man o War in the way of my BB between a charge and 2 sidesteps. The BB destroyed the conquest with 2 fury to spare, my Incindarii set a few Man o War alight (Soul tokens for continuous fire for now as you get none in the darn PP skorne packet!). Nilators charged and killed 2 bombardiers under feat and the Archidon placed Lightning Strike on him self, killed one fella and flew away. My gladiator on the left just advanced to soak the charge or threaten the incoming Man o Wars.

Well, Khador turn 3 was... brutal. Transference was upkept, Vlad2 feated and rolled 3, so 5 models. he hand of fated the right shield fellas, feated 3 of them and feated 2 hammer dudes. Then, he killed a whole ton of stuff. The BB was removed by the feated hammer fellas, Molik was killed by the feated shield fellas on the right. The solo on the far right charged into my Titan Gladiator and did a good chunk bot no aspects lost. The guys on the left cleared out more nilators and got into shield wall, did I say, ouch?

Skorne turn 3.. well jeez. I did what I could. I set some more models on fire, Nilators did some inaffective charges. The Titan Gladiator on the left cleared out the solo, the Archidon the right tried to his sprint trickery but failed to kill the model he charged. Xerxis2 did a ride by, killed a feated man o war and waddled back.

Khador turn 4, more clear up duty. Archidon dies to a whole lot of hammer (with hand of fate) / shield attacks and all but 1 Incindarii get cleared up, as well as Nilators. Transference was doing huge work this game, with Vlad safely being able to camp 0 as I lacked any range threat and I just couldn't get to him.

With the game all but lost, I went deep. Xerxis2 put Ignite on him self, charged and cleared a whole load of Man o war, but I was sadly now camping nothing. I tried a shot onto Vlad but no surprise that missed. I should of not moved my Nilator so far and should of kept him in between the shield guys on the right. Maybe that would of saved me, right?

And this how it all ended. The man on the Rhino got hammered by all the attacks and Vlad didn't even need to make a move!
What a great game, I've only played Makeda2/Fist so far and it was a real laugh to break into a new warlock. My list wasn't optimal, neither did I play it well but damn this guy is fun. When he went in under ignite he really smashed things up, I'm thinking he could do a lot of work played aggressively. Taking my free animus as Lightning Strike could let him really around, more testing to come!
Thanks to my opponent Robbie for such a great game, and thanks for reading.
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