For my 3 list I've decided on Morghoul1,Zaal2 and Mordikaar. The reasons for choosing these 3 is after some discussion and list theory crafting I feel I have covered pretty most match ups as well as I can. Why have I chose my lists so early with the event still being essentially 2 and a half months away? I want to know these lists in and out. I want to know what they can play, what they can't play and all the tricks they can pull. I find If i really know what's going on in a list I play faster, I play with more confidence and less mistakes happen.
The first list I'm going to breakdown is Morghoul1.

Here's what I'm taking with the Master of Torment:
Morghoul1 - + 7
Tiberion - 11
Aradus Sentinel - 8
Aradus Sentinel - 8
Cyclops Raider - 5
Krea - 4
Agonizer - 2
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 2
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 2
Extoller Soulward - 2
Paingiver Task Master - 2
Croaks Raiders - 8
Paingiver Beast Handlers - 3
Right off the bat a question I see sometimes I see is, why Morghoul1 with the bugs? (For the rest of the post, sentinels will be refereed to as bugs). Well hopefully without me explaining directly the below posts sum it up. But very simply, both the bugs and Morghoul1 want to be played pre-dominantly into hordes match up and there is a lot internal synergies between the two.
What do I want to play this into? Well the more I play it the more I want it to play it into things. This is quite obviously NOT a cryx drop and I don't think I'll ever drop it into cryx. On the flipside list is quite obviously horribly hard to break with ANY sort of shooting. The sentinels/tiberion are 23/21 from shooting respectively, backed by the Krea aura they're now 25/23. In most games you can literally ignore 80% of the shooting, and the other 20% is probably dice off so much that's it's not a serious issue The feat and the poison on the sentinels push it towards a solid hordes match up in most cases and I've had some success into retribution with it as well.
The Sentinels offer up a real solid range platform paired with the raider for farstrike and additonal shooting. The sentinels can remove Circle and Legion warbeasts prettty trivially especially when backed up by a Raiders shot to finish the warbeast off. They're also great at scattering into living infantry, that poison means even blast damage can reliably kill off pesky single would models. Arcing fire on top of all of this means if someone leaves a warcaster to close, camping too little and nothing blocking the shot it can be a easy assassination with little effort. It almost means those scattering AoEs can be placed in a lot of places.
Morghoul1's spell list is great for the bugs and each spell really offers the bugs something which it can use rather well. When a bug shoots his 14" he can often find him right on the edge of threat ranges (A place followed by a warpath, ect). Admonition allows you to shoot freely and in most cases be free from retaliation, this is really helps the slow bugs speed. Abuse paired with enrage really helps the P+S 14 on the claw and again helps the poor SPD 3. Torment is not quite so much a direct synergy but again plays into the match ups the list wants to see and builds the internal synergy of the list. It wants to see Legion, circle, minoins and some troll bloods lists. Catching a warlock out with a torment is great for the sentinels who can now target a no transfer warlock.
This is all backed up by Morghoul1's innate strength into the hordes match up and this again is for a few reasons. The obvious one - that damn feat, against a heavy warbeast army it is essentially a free turn! It can be very effective into trollbloods as well, but they will typically either drop a Madrak2/Grissel1 body heavy list if they see Morghoul1 across the table. The feat means no forcing, or spending of focus which can be leveraged against a warmachine army that is looking for it's colossal to be it's main hitting power. It'll often deny the charge from the colossal as well stop the buying of any additional attacks.
The feat has another use which isn't hugely obvious, besides your free turn in the right match up it also stops transferring of damage to models inside the feat. This can often catch people off guard really easily, a charge with Morghoul1 followed by a sprint and feat can lead you to catching the entire of the opponents battle group inside said feat. A raider and 2 sentinels later often means a dead warlock. If you can't catch the whole battle group, a Morghoul1 with eyeless sight and puppet strings throwing a fully boosted torment into a warlock followed by sentinel / raider shooting will again lead to a dead warlock. On top of all this, a far striked, puppet stringed krea can walk a potential 8" under abuse, shoot 12" and paralyze any living model. Following by again, your shooting team will drop an suspecting warlock. The best thing about all of this, it doesn't have to assassinate, it can fall back on being solid ranged platform which can then turn the assassination on when required.
The croak raiders are well.. croak raiders, backed up with paingiver task master these guys a great module and have a ridiculous list of rules for 10 points. Making them fearless, tough and no KD make them hugely efficient and what they do. If you can have a Krea paralyze a warbeast, the warbeast is then dead to said croak raiders. Paralyze a warlock? Dead warlock, etc etc. With AD, RNG 10 and POW 12 they can clear out non stealth ed infantry to a good degree of success as well.
I'm super happy with this list and my confidence with playing it is continually building. I have a small local steamroller on the 19th March in which I will play this and Mordikaar. Ill be tweeting about my progress with all my lists so please follow me at:
Thanks for the read, drop me a comment and tune in next time for part 2 where we breakdown Zaal2's Tier, Exalted Legions.
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