Tuesday, 9 June 2015

For The Motherland

Hi, I'm Harvey.

I've been a Khador player for going on three years now, with brief intermissions to dabble in Legion of Everblight and Talion Charter. I'm not the most hardcore Warmachine player. I enjoy casual play as well as local steamrollers, team events and of course SmogCon!

I'm nowhere near as proficient a player as the other contributors here but I will write about those things that will be of interest to the humble Khadoran recruit; how to overcome the technological might of Cygnar or avoid the debilitating machinations of the nightmare Cryx. I hope to represent the average player's point of view on the blog and provide helpful insight on the most effective way of putting axe to face.

Painting, modelling and converting are my passion, so these subjects will enjoy the main focus of my articles, as well as covering events and any developments that will be of interest to loyal servants of The Empress, but if there's anything else you'd like to hear about, just ask.

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