Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Learning Runes pt1

I want to learn how to play 'Runes'.

"Fuck that guy!"

That's what I would say if I saw a Runes of War player while using Ret. I feel The Retribution of Scyrah lacks the punch to kill big scary trolls. I believe this is because they are not trying to kill our Gods, invade our lands or sleep with our maidens.

Since seeing them everywhere at Smog Con (2015), I have been playing trolls again and have had some success with Madrak2. However, I thought it was time to try the big boy (old man) of the faction; Hoarluk Doomshaper's Runes of War theme force will be my focus for the next few months as I try to master one of the most common taunament lists in the game.

I am hoping that playing 'Runes' will provide me with a denial option that Madrak2 cannot offer. While I am in love with what him and Rathrok can do (especially on feat turn) I have found I struggle against gun lines and have been repeatedly smashed by Kruger2. Hopefully 'Runes' is the answer.

So, a few weeks ago, I ordered the two Runeshaper units and Doomy1 to complete the list. Yesterday I painted them. On here I will record the lessons I learn and the mistakes I make. The list may be the same as every other 'Runes' list but I hope that tracking my journey will provide some extra tips you cant find on Battle College.

I mean, how powerful are a few walls and some big green trolls?

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